Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week 1 Progress

I'm sure there are weeks coming where time will freeze on our block, but this was not one of them !

The excavators arrived Monday morning, and by Tuesday afternoon the block looked like this:

I'm amazed how quickly we could see the shape of the house, given the slope before they started. A few people had told us that when we first saw the foundation it would feel small - but if anything, we were a bit taken aback by how large it seemed. We don't seem to have a lot of yard left ! There was the pleasant surprise too that although we have a 1.4m retaining wall at the western side of the house, our driveway will actually be flat - we hadn't realised the slope would even out so much.

By Wednesday we had drainage in place and the boxing for the slab was nearly finished:

As of this afternoon, the waffle pod blocks and metal gear to reinforce the slab have all been delivered, and the crazy-deep holes for the peering are in place. As the neighbours are also building with Rawsons, their temporary safety fencing is being extended around our place.

The slab will be poured next week, with the frame planned to start before Easter (2 weeks away). So we have a few more weeks of exciting activity ahead if Mother Nature plays nice. 

...till next week !


  1. Wow looking good Kelly, I bet your all excited now it is moving along

    - Ben Camilleri

  2. I just realised you could comment on this !

    Awesome work on blog kel

    Dan xoxox
